make money online

5 Best ways to make money online in India

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Did you know that 40% of Indian workers will take freelance work in the next 4-5 years? This number clearly shows there is something good in earning money online. Whether you’re entering into a new career or just looking for some extra cash flow, having multiple sources of income provides stability in an unstable world. 

Entrepreneurship is a dream for everyone nowadays. I agree with this because this is the only way where you can make the most for yourself in this world. You can choose your path by own, and here is the best part no one will answer “No” to your questions. You can set yourself up for success without depending on anyone else.

Now get back to the main point…

What are some of the best ways to earn money online in India?

So, the ways which I am going to disclose here have been selected and researched for you. I can promise these ways will be the best options in the coming years to fill your pocket with some extra cash. All you need is a strong Internet connection and a laptop with basic specifications. And trust me, these jobs are flexible too – you can work as per your comfort.

Here is the reality why I came across the idea to write this article, as we all know this pandemic has changed our economy. And I think it won’t ever go back to the way it was. So, this is the best time to hop on the new opportunities this economy has generated. Here are some of the best ways to make money online in India.

1- Copywriting: 

Copywriting is the art and science of strategically writing reader-focused “copy” – words designed to prompt action. Copywriters usually write content for blog posts, emails, website content, landing pages, video scripts, headlines, product descriptions, white papers, etc., etc., etc. 

I know you must be thinking why I have considered this. Here is the reason…

Copywriters can work with businesses all over the world. They can choose when they want to work, the cost for the work, and can easily earn a 6-figure income. 

All you need to get started is a laptop and some good copywriting skills. 

Also Read: 9 Common Mistakes Beginner Writers Make frequently.

2- Technology /IT Support Services:

In this Pandemic, most of the companies are running their operations online. And in the future, they will continue too. In the recent survey, 22% of business owners say they will continue their operations remotely after this pandemic.   

Do all these business owners know how to troubleshoot Hardware & Software issues? Do they know how to solve their technical problems, how to set up the network infrastructure, and many more? No, they do not.

Some companies may have their IT department, but most of the small businesses & startups are shifting online or starting their operations online from scratch. They can’t bear the entire IT department. So you could be a game-changer for them by providing solutions to their problems like software troubleshooting, setting up an online workplace, Hardware solutions, etc. 

You don’t even need a degree, but you need a laptop and the skills to go with this. 

Also Read: Top 7 IT Certifications Worth Getting This Year

3- Digital Marketing Services:

As we mentioned that businesses are moving online, which means people will spend more time online. This has led to an enormous demand for digital marketing professionals in all major business industries. 

There are several services in digital marketing in which you could get the specialization. You could be a social media marketer to manage their brands on social media and can get specialization in running paid ads for businesses like Facebook Ads, Google Ads, or Bing Ads. 

Also Read: 8 Must-Dos for Your Lead Generation Website

You can get the certification of popular ads sites like Google Ads Certification, Microsoft Advertising Certification, etc. All you need to have a passion for digital marketing and a laptop. 

Also Read: 10 Amazing Content Marketing tips every Digital Marketer needs to know

4- Web Design/Development: 

Every business needs an online presence in the form of websites. In this Pandemic, companies are focussing more on their web presence. They need real, high-quality websites that can highlight their products & services and invite sales. 

Web design & development is a high-income skill worldwide. More businesses move online turns more demand in this skillset. 

How can you get started? You can begin your learning with some of the famous content management systems like WordPress, Wix, or Squarespace. Later on, you can make yourself an expert in this service. 

Also Read: How to setting up & generate more business from the website

5- Online Teaching: 

COVID-19 and social distancing rules have changed the schools or Education industry across the country. Most of the parents are working from home nowadays: they cannot try to homeschool their children and work. Plus, the teachers don’t have time to teach each student individually. 

All you need a bachelor’s degree or teaching certificate to get started your journey as an online tutor. You could work for an established company in the beginning and later on starts your online service. 

I always promote entrepreneurship. So, I would encourage you to set up your own and establish your own business. 

Also Read: Do You Need Coaching? 7 Things You Can Improve With the Help of a Coach

In all of the above opportunities, one thing is common. Guess What…

They allow you to work globally. And we all know there are millions of businesses in the world. So your growth is basically unstoppable when you can work with anyone anywhere in the world. 

So, decide your path or skill in which you want to enter. Invest proper time in training to make yourself professional in that particular skill. 

Finally, start finding clients from all across the globe. Here you can check different ways to get new clients. 

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