Stars cannot shine without darkness and the key to success is to focus on Goals, not on the obstacles. For anything to succeed it takes a lot of dedication, effort, and consistency. Similarly, for growth on the YouTube channel also a lot of patience and consistency are required as no one can get succeeded in the very first attempt.
If you are wondering if consistency will help you to have growth on YouTube then I have a case study for you based on my real-life experiences. I have seen my friend getting success on YouTube just with the right focus, efforts, and consistency. This case study is for every person who thinks that he doesn’t have any skill set that is required to get succeed on YouTube.
Let us get started with a real-life example of my life. I have a friend who was determined to make videos for an interest. He was a frequent traveler. Most of the time, he and his brother were always prepared for traveling. Apart from traveling, he keeps a really strong opinion on the politics and current affairs going on & around in India.
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He started sharing his videos on his YouTube channel. Since the beginning of the channel he created, I had followed him. I used to find his content very appealing and seemed really good for the mass audiences. As everyone tries to get some reviews on his YouTube channel my friend also tried everything from reviewing the products to the car and political interviews. But all things either brought no views or got very little visibility.
They kept on traveling and were consistent in sharing their experience on YouTube channels. Because they traveled a lot and were consistent in their activity, they finally got success after 2 years. And this time without any publicity or additional efforts. It happened just with one visit to Mathura. They succeeded to get complete organic traffic on their YouTube channel.
The particular video with clickbait title made that video viral online and just that single video has reached 5.2 million views to date and brought him approximately 100000 channels. Mind it, he has stuck to one thing which was determination and building the content despite listening others are thinking more details.
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So, the key learnings from the experience for the inspiring YouTubers are as below:
1. Either good or bad, just focus on making the content as Content marketing is a commitment, not a campaign.
2. Keep trying and testing different types of content, you never know what can bring you more visibility and great content always deserves a great ranking.
3. Once you have the right type of content with you which appealed to your audience. Don’t be ashamed to repeat similar content and stick to it as long as you can as people like to know detailed versions of what they like.
4. Try the Newsjack technique for your video, popular Day(s) of The Year increase the searches for a few terms such as seasons, weathers, festivals, etc.
5. In this above case, an example is “Krishna Janmashtami”. It is a popular Hindu festival that might become the reason to get the hot spot among many devotees. When you publish a video around that time, there are high chances to get more reviews.
6. Don’t quit, until you win. Remember there is no failure except in no longer trying.
If you want to know more about my friend and his YouTube channel, then search on YouTube @amikadiaries and say Hi to him. Certainly, mention that you reached there after reading this article.
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So, when you think about success what matters is your efforts and dedication with a lot of patience and consistency. Start by questioning yourself that how many hours and time, you are ready to invest in your dreams? Don’t forget that your limitation is just your imagination and keep going.